Beautiful face- all day, every day.
Flawless skin is the dream of every woman. But not every woman gets the flawless skin as desired. Pimples, Acne and dark circles make the skin unpleasant and create dullness over places on the skin surface.
The constant usage of Pretty Face provides light and fair skin tone within a desired period of time. It acts as a cooling agent and a coloring agent. It heals any kind of skin problems and maintains it fresh for a longer time. It is also antispasmodic in nature thereby strengthening the facial muscles.
For Enquiry
Call us: 9747410293, 9747410270
Call us: 9747410293, 9747410270
- Improves the skin health.
- Balances the nutrients needed.
- Improves the complexion.
- Offers freshness throughout the day.
Key Ingredients
Components | Each 5g contains |
Pterocarpus santalinus(Rakthachandan) | 7g |
Rubia cordifolia (Manjishta) | 7g |
Symplocos racemosa(Lodra) | 7g |
Saussurea lappa (Kushta) | 7g |
Ficus bengalensis (Vatah) | 7g |
Callicarpa macrophylla (Priyangu) | 7g |
Lens culinaris (Masura) | 7g |
Crocus sativus (Kumkum) | 1g |
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Blackheads, Acne vulgaris etc.

Apply 5g twice a day mixed with water, honey or buttermilk