pills polisher
Pills polisher is applicable to clearing off the dust adhered to the surface of capsules and medicament in order to keep the capsules clean and improve the smoothness of the surface.It is adjusted through step less governor. All the parts that the machine and medicament touch are made of harmless and anti-corrosive materials that are subject to the GMP standards

This is a Silent performer with low power consumption .With its swinging hammer rotating against chamber of fine edged teeth will grind anything and everything right from wet and hard dry materials. Its compact size requires very little space which makes complete business sense.The gap between the blade and the teeth in the chamber is minimal, which increase the output capacity without affecting the taste of the contents. It is easy to operate, special set of mesh for various material is provided for grinding from coarse

tray dryer
A tray dryer is an enclosed, insulated housing in which trays are placed on angled rack. Material to be dried is placed on the trays. Heating media is hot air, and heat transfer is direct from hot gases or electric heaters to wet raw material with help of specially designed air circulation fan arrangement to maintain the constant temperature in the dryer and ensures uniform circulation of hot air.

centrifuging machine
Once the machine lid of this machine is closed and the centrifuge switched on, the rotor spins at high speed. The centrifugal force causes any matter in the solution denser than the liquid to be forced against the outer walls of the tubes, separating it from the fluid in the process